Do you remember Leonie? My friend Leonie, the lioness?
The other day she casually mentioned her twin. Can you believe she never told me before?
And guess where her twin sister is living ... with Mom's sister B.! And another guess, who do think is Leonie's best friend ... B.'s black Not My Cat! Or should that be Not Her Cat in this case? Ah, who cares.
Here they are, Frodo and Leonie the First (my Leonie moved in later).
I wonder what she said to him that he thought he had to put his paw on her mouth.
He's not the first "Not My Cat" who likes to hang out with B. She's famous for her cat buffets and neighbor cats like to do a quick stop at her place every, now and then to check out what's the special of the day. Der Dekan has said more than once he'd like to visit sometime to see if the buffet is really as good as it says in the reviews.
Frodo and his brother Filou live(d) across the street from B.
Filou was more of a shy and a bit skittish cat. He liked being at home and he liked to roam his territory, but if it was very cold, he'd come by for a quick or sometimes a longer nap in the warm and a meal.
He passed the Rainbow Bridge a while ago and is fondly remembered.
Frodo on the other hand enjoys the finer things in life - as he did his brother's leftovers (does that sound familiar to you, only that somecat dares taking his Lady's leftovers, aka mine).
Of course he insists on a stroll through the neighborhood, but even more he insists on the absolute submission of humans. It's his world, they are just allowed to live in it if they know their place and have opposable thumbs and the cans, pouches, and packs to open with those thumbs.
This is where King Frodo likes to hold court when he's outside, by the way. People know he's sitting there and come by just to pay homage to him. Many of them think it's the house where he lives and are surprised to learn that his home is on the other side of the street, but seriously, show me the king who only has one house. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Frodo had a few secret ones on the side. I'll have to call him sometime and ask.
Frodo looks like a big bear of a cat, but of course it's all hair and in the middle a tiny starving body. You know how humans are, opposable thumbs or not, you just can't rely on them for ten meals a day, but when they start snacking ...
Having to be hungry all the time while ruling the neighborhood with a benevolent but firm paw is deeply exhausting and calls for comfortable sleeping spots.
Look what B. is offering him, though!
An armchair which is clearly too small for such a big personality.
The floor. Okay, so there is a rug, but still. Leonie can't believe it, either.
A hard chair!
After Frodo let B. know that this was absolutely unacceptable, she showed a bit more effort, but why do humans always need a kick, a poke, a scratch or extra hair in their nose to provide for the simplest amenities?
Is that the way you treat a 17 year old feline king?
And then she complains when he takes up a tiny bit of space on her couch, pokes her armchair just a little bit with one claw or demands to be set free to see his kingdom at 2 a.m.
Humans, I swear!!!