Friday, November 5, 2021

Introducing the new kid on the block

Welcome back to my little corner of the Universe which has become even a little smaller because doors have to stay shut a lot here these days. Excuse me while I'm glaring at a 6 1/2 month old kitten when saying that.
I'll have to explain.
In June this year, Mom made a very unfortunate remark to Kosel, one of the upstairs poodles. She told him that she wasn't able to pick an older companion for me at the moment and that he should bring a kitten from the farm near his humans' garden in a village nearby. She claims that she was whispering, but a few days later a box appeared in front of our door and said box contained a kitten.
Awww, he was so cute, he was so small, he was so adorable. Ugh, you know how humans are around kittens.

I won't beat around the bush. Ever since the kitten left quarantine - which he had to spend in the bunny room with a lot of toys and enough food for a grown tiger both as an introduction period and because of the contents of his litter box (no words to describe that, I swear) - he has been wreaking havoc. On Mom (who deserves it for her reckless decision), but also on his surroundings (Mom deserves that as well, she keeps stuffing things into cupboards and drawers and she even started decluttering!) and on myself (which is completely inappropriate).

His name is "der Dekan" which means "the Dean". He is named after one of the wizards of the Unseen University from the Discworld books. I'm not so sure about that name. Attila the Hun would have fitted nicely or maybe Godzilla even if it's just our place he's trying to destroy and not Tokyo. He steals, he fights dirty, he's wild, he knocks stuff over and down, he eats about twice his weight every day, and I doubt that the rugs in this flat will ever lie straight again. And doors get shut a lot because right now we can't be in the room with the staircase both at the same time (he keeps jumping at me up there and Mom does not want us to fall down), but also because der Dekan loves the kitchen counter and isn't allowed in there during preparing of some food and cooking, because he gets so excited about food that he inhales his and then tries to eat mine, because Mom needs some time to do things without him, for example take a shower or work on something, and so on and on and on .....

You will hear more about him eventually. I need to vent somewhere, right?

And you will hear what I will be teaching den Dekan (don't be surprised that the article will be changing, that's just German declination). The youngster is totally clueless. All he knows is the farm and his large number of siblings (nine, they said). Yesterday, when he tried to knock Dude's portrait of the wall, Mom stopped him and told him to honor the ancestors. She told him Dude's story and how he might not even be here now, hadn't it been for Dude. I have no doubt she's going to tell him more stories, but I think I'm better at that.

So in the next post I will pick up where Ponder left off in 2019. I'll tell dem Dekan about the feline master and mistress of my Mom's sister, Johnny and Emma. Ponder said that there were 1000s of pictures, and miracles happen, Mom finally edited and sorted those, actually not just those of the Avengers, but also old pictures of yours truly.
I know that Ponder who had a very big heart for new people and cats would want me to show the pictures and tell the story, so that's what I will be doing very soon.

For now, I'll leave you with a picture of the new kid from about a month ago. I picked it for the look on his face. Remember how Ponder tried to tell Mom that I was dangerous and a thief when I first came here? I wonder what he would say to this brat now ...

See you around soon, I hope!
~ Gundel


  1. I'm so happy Grundel has taken up blogging and will be sharing photos.

    1. I know I have been slacking the last few months - following Mom's less than stellar example - but I think there will be a lot to tell now!
