Friday, July 31, 2020

Keeping the memory alive


You have read about me before. I'm Gundel.
If you wonder what I'm doing on Ponder's blog, well, that's a sad story.
As you know Ponder wrote his last post in September. Not long after that he had a dental appointment and not long after that he became sick. It had nothing to do with his teeth, but he kept losing weight and not feeling well which broke Mom's heart. Be assured, however, that he stayed Ponder until the very end when Mom had to let him go in February.

It has been five months now, but the hole is as large as it was on the first day, and there are still tears flowing.

So, Ponder's footprints may be too big for me to step into them, but I've got my own footprints, and that's the way it should be.
The memories stay - not just of Ponder of course, but all the other cats that Mom keeps telling me about (shh, I am kind of glad I never had to fight things out with Meffi, she sounds as if she was some tough kitty) - and Mom and I will make new memories together. For that I thought it was just right to stay on Ponder's blog and not start a new one of my own.

So I hope you will keep following our stories.
It may not be as loud here anymore, but we will still be having fun.


P.S. Mom is accusing me of sleeping on the job. Now if that isn't a fine start to this ...


  1. Hello Gundel, It is true that Ponder was indeed an awesome Kitty I am sure that you will easily keep that human of yours on her toes. Now Myself (Jak) and my sister Lotty (all fluff no brain) will indeed be looking to you for guidance as we are only 3 and need to be mentored a bit longer. Our human who is half Chimp really is a wild one so we shall need some insider knowledge as we go along. I am so happy to see that you have the magic deep seated in your. Lots of nose boops and tummy scrunchies. Jak and Lotty.

    1. Jak, you are right, humans are so difficult! Thinking they are smart and everything, but the things we have to see, oh dear.
      Hang in there, mates!
      Here are some nose boops and purrs right back at ya.

  2. You might sleep on the job, Gundel, but you sleep with such a great style. You have your own footsteps, as you had them while Ponder was alive. He was, is and will be missed. Now, sit on your throne, let the memory live again and let us learn from your wisdom. We love you.

    1. Thank you so much for the welcome, Mercè!
      Mom also likes to call me "the long lady" ... better than the stranded whale she is (and I'm saying that with lots of love and a bit of a giggle)!

  3. Awwww, Gundel. Thank you for being here to help your Mom heal. I hope the tears will come less often as time goes by. I will very much miss reading about Ponder's antics and his unique observations, but I look forward to getting to know you better. Ponder left big pawprints to fill; however, I think you will find your own footprints and place them next to Ponder's.

    1. Thank you, Dawn <3
      I'm a modern independent cat lady and I'm determined, so I have no doubt things will turn out. If needed, I'll give Mom a good talking to, and you can help me with that.

  4. Hallo Cat,
    alle Deine Blogs sind sehr schön, aber als Katzenliebhaber und Halter eines Katers finde ich diesen am besten-
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Danke schön, Uwe! :-D
      Ich schicke hiermit ein zartes Miau für deinen Kater mit (ich maunze nur laut, wenn hier mal wieder von Menschenseite kläglich versagt wird, dann gibt es einen Anpfiff!)

      Liebe Grüße
      Gundel (und Cat)

    2. Mein Kater Tyson,der auch ab und zu auf meinem Blog zu sehen ist,
      bedankt sich für das Miau.
      Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Zeit.
      Liebe Grüße
