Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gang takeover

Hey there, do you remember us?
I know it has been months that you have heard from us, but Mom had one of her existential crisis thingies and we had to work very hard on supervising her, giving her cuddles and assuring her that her motivation would be coming back eventually. Which it did quite recently, but that's no topic for our blog.
Also I still took it easy. Mom accused me of using my torn cruciate ligament to wait on me hand and foot. So what if? She's our servant, anyway. What's the difference if she brings me my food here or there. I didn't make her bring the litter box as well, that's nice of me, isn't it?

Actually, I've got her where I have always wanted her. Only in very rare cases, I have to push a little by ripping on her hair if I need a 3 a.m. snack, but when she's awake, it's usually enough to look at her. To be honest, I think she enjoys doing everything for me. Sometimes she's feeling a bit guilty about der Dekan having taken over, so she wants to show me I'm still #1. As if there had ever been a shred of doubt about that.

However, it's never a bad idea to send some clear signs for those whose youth leads them to believe they can do anything without having to fear repercussions (obviously I'm not talking about Mom who can be called anything but youthful). I knew just the right sign.
Do you remember the fish drama?

Der Dekan and his gang still hold their meetings on the wardrobe. It's a safe space because Mom is too short to reach up there easily and he probably thought that I would stay off it from now on after hurting my knees. He even made his peace with the East Side gang. Or so he thought.
Let's say, they had an open ear for my suggestions. This is going to stay interesting ...